Complexity & Sculpture
Is sculpture the answer to your complexity problems?
Have you ever thought about how the way we design products is a bit like sculpting? It might seem strange, but hear me out.
Every time we add something to a product, we make it more complex. More complexity equals more mental effort for our users, also known as cognitive load. This cognitive load can be split into two types: intrinsic (the unavoidable difficulty of the task itself) and extraneous (the extra effort caused by how the information is presented).
When we make a product overly complex, we're likely adding to the extraneous cognitive load. This makes it harder for users to do what they want and makes the whole experience less enjoyable. The end result? Lower user satisfaction and less chance of our product being a success.
So, where does sculpture fit into all this?
Michelangelo famously said, "The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”
Think of your product as that marble block, and your delete key as a chisel. You can chip away at your product to reveal its purest, most essential form – the core function without all the unnecessary extras.
Like Marie Kondo tidying up a house, ask yourself, "Does this feature truly serve the essential function, or is it just here because someone asked for it, or I thought it was cool?" The art lies in knowing what to remove.
Software, thankfully, is more forgiving than marble. We have version control and saved designs, so mistakes can be undone. If you get a little overzealous with your chisel, don't worry – it's not the end of the world.
I know what some of you are thinking. "But my product is super complex! And my stakeholders are impossible!"
For truly complex products, we need to accept that some level of intrinsic cognitive load is unavoidable. Tesler's law reminds us that every system has a certain amount of irreducible complexity. But that doesn't mean we can't make it better! We can use techniques like progressive, adaptive, and predictive complexity (but that's a topic for another day).
As for those unreasonable stakeholders... well, let's just say my answer is probably best left unsaid.
The next time you look at your delete key, see it as a creative tool, not just a destroyer of digital worlds. You might be surprised at what you can sculpt.